
Current Price


Only in USDT

Last Coin Mined:#NaN


Supply Released

NaN / 21,000,000

Find on OpenSea

How It Works

It’s like Bitcoin, but bite sized.

Bittycoin will follow the same path as Bitcoin. Total supply is 21,000,000. First 1,000,000 are taken out of the pool immediately. You can Mine... erm.. Mint a Bittycoin. See no fancy hardware needed.

There are big hungry whales out there, and we don’t want them to take bitty bites out of our fellow degen shrimps. We grew up in a degeneration of people aping into meme stocks. That’s our kind of people.

There is a limit of 1 Bittycoin to be mined at a time. Bulk mining is not allowed in order to spread wealth and happiness. The supply will be released gradually over a few days and limit the number that can be mined per wallet per day, so a handful of whales dont end up owning most of them.

For those who missed the Bitcoin boat like we did, the price of the first Bittycoin sold will start out at $0.01 when Bitcoin was at its lowest historical price... Ok lets get real. The first 500,000 will be free plus gas fees. After that the Bittycoin will go to $1 and up only from there.

As more and more Bittycoins are bought the price will continue to rise like the moon that never sets until the last one is sold at $1,000,000.

But for our smart money here is a chart to show numbers and things.

Price Range Total Bittycoins
$0.01 - $1010,000,000
$15 - $3004,000,000
$325 - $1,300 3,000,000
$1,534 - $20,000 2,000,000
$21,237 - $1,000,000 1,000,000

What will hit $1,000,000 first - Bitcoin or Bittycoin?


Everyone these days wants a roadmap... well here are some possibilities for the future.

 Burn Baby Burn
Burn Baby Burn

About 20% of all Bitcoins are lost or unrecoverable. Guess we have to do the same ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ After the Bittycoins are minted and traded, the royalties could allow us to buy back and burn them. Needs to be realistic right?

Moon It Tweet
Moon It Tweet

Nothing would be be better than getting tweets like “Bittycoin is the people’s crypto” or “No need to be a gigachad to own” or maybe “One word: Bittycoin”. Hey! It’s possible.

 Club Bitty
Club Bitty

Apparently clubs are the cool thing to do these days. VIP access, special drops, 21,000,000 person party in Dubai. How about a Bitty metaverse… the coin of the metaverse… One coin to rule them all.


There were a couple of degen anons who didn't own a single Bitcoin. Why? Because it was already $40,000. So instead of imagining owning a whole Bitcoin, they imaged it to make themselves feel better.

With merry in their hearts they wanted others who missed out on that feeling of buying cheap Bitcoin 10 years ago to partake in that joyous feeling of mining cheap whole Bittycoins.

As the ‘ol saying goes - If you can’t own them, just bitty them.


No! Bittycoin is in no way affiliated with Bitcoin other than by meme, but we are on Polygon which makes us harder, better, faster, stronger, and cheaper.

Slogan: It’s so stupid you know it’s going to work.

If the supply for a given day is fully sold then the next supply drop will be the following day at 10:00 AM EST... Give or take 5 min. It is checked every 24 hours from when the smart contract went live.

You can view it on in your profile.

The feeling of love that will warm your heart forever.

The first 500,000 available for minting to the public are free. The numbers are 1,000,001 - 1,500,000.

Day 1 - 500

Day 2 - 1,000

Day 3 - 3,500

Day 4 - 35,000

Day 5 - 60,000

Day 6 - 900,000

1,000,000 for every day after until max supply is reached

Press the big yellow button that says Mine at the top of the page...

Only 21,000,000 lucky people in the world will ever have a Bittycoin. Unless we burn some… then well some number less than that.

Bittycoin is only purchasable using USDT on the Polygon network.



Does not exist yet.